Dr. Alexander Molinari “Evolution of the Dental Implant Interface” Dr. Molinari is currently the director of education for Neodent, USA, INC. He is a specialist in Periodontics with a phD and MS in dental implantology from Brazil. He is a visiting professor in implant dentistry with Loma Linda University and has been a consultant with […]
Author Archive | Jack Wasserstein, DDS
10/26/2016 Part II – Hands on Staining and Glazing with Jeff Smith CDT
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on October 21, 2016 in 2016, Upcoming meetings
Event Details We are pleased to announce part 2 in our staining and glazing hands on with Jeff Smith from Ivoclar. In part 1, we received the didactics and rationale for using zirconia and emax. This next session will be a hands on where we will learn techniques for staining and glazing as well as characterizing emax and […]
08/03/2016 Jeff Smith, CDT from Ivoclar, Staining and glazing layred and monolithic restorations.
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on July 28, 2016 in 2016, Previous meetings
Event Details We are pleased to announce an informative study club for you and your staff on in office staining and glazing. An inexpensive porcelain oven can turn any office into an aesthetic powerhouse. The ability to make simple life like , or functional changes such as strengthening a contact can save your patients time […]
10/16/2014 Dr. Shariar Parvizpour Treatment Planning and Troubleshooting in the Esthetic Zone
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on February 2, 2014 in 2014, Previous meetings
Dr. Shariar Parvizpour See event details here “Priceless Planning : Predictable Outcomes & Improved Restorative Solutions” Avoid the most common complications in implant dentistry. Learn how to treatment plan and restore cases to minimize the risk of complications, and how to manage them prosthetically. The following topics will be discussed during case presentations: -Discussing […]
6/12/2014 Dr. Kyle Stanley Anterior Dental Esthetics in Relation to Trends in Fashion and Art
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on February 2, 2014 in 2014, Previous meetings
Dr. Kyle Stanley See event details here The latest Biomimetic treatment Ultrathin posterior occlusal veneers (erosion cases) The natural CAD/CAM restoration Fashion and trends in relation to dental restorations
3/20/2014 Dr. Richard Sullivan Introduction to the All on 4 concept
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on February 2, 2014 in 2014, Previous meetings
Dr. Richard Sullivan See Event Details here Planning and treatment delivery for fixed implant restoration of the edentulous arch with graftless solutions offering the benefits to a growing demographic in your practice There is a large patient population that would like to replace their dentures with a fixed implant restoration. For the lower jaw, many […]
2/26/2014 Dr. Ed McLaren Intra-Oral Photograpy
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on January 30, 2014 in 2014, Previous meetings
Dr. Ed McLaren See event details here We are pleased to announce that Dr. McLaren will be back to our study club on 2/26/2014, for a presentation on Intra-Oral Photography. Here are the details for Dr. McLaren’s presentation. From Dr. McLaren: This presentation will cover the most current digital camera and flash systems most suited […]
6/13/2013 Dr. John Sorensen The All-on-4 Immediate Load Concept
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on June 4, 2013 in 2013, Previous meetings
See event details here The All-on-4 Immediate Load Concept . Osseointegrated implants placed according to the All-On-4 Immediate Load Concept (Nobel Biocare) offers significant advantages for the edentulous patient. The protocol positioning the implants with angulations up to 30 degrees increases implant A-P spread, avoids grafting, reduces the number of implants needed to typically […]
4/25/2013 Dr. Sajid Jivraj All On Four Implant Restorations
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on February 27, 2013 in 2013, Previous meetings
Dr. Sajid Jivraj View event details We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Jivraj will be joining our study club for a presentation on All-On-Four restorations. Details about this event will be posted shortly.
4/09/13 Dr. Ed McLaren Smile Designs Hands on Course
Email: Jack@Wasserstein.com
Site: http://www.wasserstein.com
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play.See Authors Posts (15) on February 27, 2013 in 2013, Previous meetings
See event details here This is a hands on follow up To Dr. McLaren’s Smile design Lecture from 9/13/2012 – Smile analysis and digital smile design techniques. This meeting will be held at the office of Jack E. Wasserstein DDS. Participants are urged to download a trial copy ofAdobe Photo Shop and bring their laptop computers. […]